#102 short update: the lost video

ok...i admit it!!!

frankly say that the 'malasness' melular kembali into my damaged brain to update the real story.

for the meanwhile, just tengok this lost video yang ntah bila aku pi this party pon, aku tak ingat...just matter jumpa kembali in my old external harddisk.

begitu beruk sekali aku dan mereka..

hahaha...gelak lah jika anda suka. i dont give a damn :)

oh extra info to whom it may concern aka party people aka beruk seperti aku:

Tiesto one & only concert in this summer on Asia will be venue at Phuket Island on this February 19-20, 2010 (start today) plus with full moon party!!

so, just imagine this...all people will be naked for 2 days long! just make sure you guys bring enuff stock of 'happy pills' :)

5 otak kusut masai serabai:

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ berkata...


happy pills eks?

kalau aku, aku nak tangkap gambar banyak2 sajo~


ok, aku berbunyi cam pervert.

Ieeko. berkata...

Itu pasal la.
My sis cakap, ada banyak package lain lagi yang lebih murah.

Kalau pk balik,
Gila la 300 x 24 months.
Macam beli BB bold tu 3 bijik je.

So you suggest, beli hp tu cash and amek line la ek?
And I heard orang cakap, amek Digi murah,
68 je internet dia.

Tapi I guna maxis.
Kene la beli number Digi la kan.

Okay, thanks chotz ^^

Ieeko. berkata...

Wahh bestnyaaaaaaaa!
Actually I penah gak guna DIGI.
Best, sebab if ada bf ke ape kan, amek line yang family tu, unlimited je borak. Tp now single, rugi je amek benda alah tu kan. Haha.

Ehh chotzzzzzzzz, nak jugaakkk!
Mtk kakak tolong! :P

Cambest jee.
Takde la plak sape2 keje dengan Digi.

Mrs Nurul berkata...

i wanna be naked too. i'll make it one day extra. ;)

AkU berkata...

berok kah aku??


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"I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best..."

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